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In this video, I’ll show you how to edit existing Posts. In the All Posts sub-panel, you'll find a list of all your Blog Posts, which you can sort by Title or by Date. If you have a large number of posts, you can use the pagination tools to view additional Posts. Or, quickly search for specific Posts to edit. In the Screen Options tab at the top, you can change the number of Posts that are shown on a single page, and choose which columns to display. You can also choose to view your posts in the default list view, or the Excerpt View, which will include the excerpt for each post, making it even easier to distinguish your posts. Hovering over any row in the list will display action links that allow you to edit, delete, or preview your post.
Quick Edit is a handy in-line editing tool which allows you to quickly update the details for an individual post. You can change the Title, the Permalink or Slug, and edit the Date and Timestamp for the Post. You can also add a Password to make the post only visible to readers who first enter the password you specify here. Or, make the Post Private, only visible to you and other site Administrators. You can change the Categories in which this post will appear, add Tags, Enable or Disable Comments and Pingbacks,which we’ll talk about in a later video, or change the status of the post. And last, you can Make this post sticky, which will ensure that it always appears at the top of your blog page, even after you publish newer blog Posts. Remember to click the Update button to save any changes you've made here. While Quick Edit is a handy way to edit the details of a Post, to edit the actual content of a Post, simply click the title of the Post, or the Edit link to open the Post in the Editor, which we covered in an earlier video.
Make your changes, then click the Update button You can also edit multiple posts at once. First, select the posts you wish to edit using the check boxes, then select Edit from the Bulk Actions drop-down menu and click Apply. You can change the categories, tags, author, and other metadata for all the selected posts at once. To remove a post from the group, just click the X next to its name in the Bulk Edit list. Again, don't forget to click Update to save your changes. You can also delete Posts by clicking the Trash link. And if you've every accidentally deleted a file, you'll appreciate that this function simply moves the Post to the Trash, where it can be recovered anytime within the next 30 days. Click the Trash link at the top of the page to view all the items that are currently in the Trash, Restore them, or Delete them permanently. So far, we've learned how to create and edit Posts. In the next video, we'll learn how to use Categories and Tags to organize our Posts, making it easy for readers to find related content.